
Here’s a rough overview of how the API works:

  1. Submit an application form and wait to get approved.
  2. Generate an API key and safely store it for future use.
  3. Purchase models or credits in the studio.
  4. Train a model using the train model endpoint.
  5. Fetch the images using the get results endpoint
  6. Edit the images using any of our AI editing tools.

We only save images uploaded for training, generated with models, or edited with AI tools. Models are automatically deleted once images are generated.

We don’t offer the Creative Studio as part of the API yet. Do reach out if you’d like us to prioritize this feature.

Generate an API key

Head to the Developer Dashboard, fill out an application, and we’ll respond within 24 hours. Once approved, create an API key, store it safely, and make sure you have enough models or credits to use the API.

To use the API key, set it as the x-tryiton-key request header in all the requests that you send to our public API.

Your API Key is specific to your account. The models and credits used through the API are the same ones that you can use via your account.

Training Models

Once you’ve purchased models, fetch them using the get models endpoint. Select the model id you’d like to train and pass it to the train model endpoint.

A model has to be trained before it can be used to generate images. Training a model is a one-time process and can take up to 24 hours to complete.

Once training begins, the is_used parameter will be set to true. Once training is complete, the is_trained parameter will be set to true. The email_sent flag can be safely ignored (it’s used to indicate when a user has been notified that their model is ready).

Once a model is trained, it cannot be retrained.

Generating images

Image generation happens automatically once a model is trained depending on the styles you chose. Users can also customize their images using the customizations parameter.

Editing images

You can upload any URL to our AI image editing tools. The max size is 1024x1024, so we will resize the image if it’s larger than that.

No-Code Integrations

If you’d like to see any specific No-Code integrations such as Zapier, Wordpress, Wix, or others, drop us a line at nathan@tryitonai.com and we’ll get to it promptly!