Getting started

Welcome to Try it on’s API documentation guide! Here you’ll find all the information you need to integrate Try it on into your app.

If at any point you get stuck, have questions or ideas for us to improve our product, you can reach Nathan at He’ll be happy to hear from you.

Can’t wait to see what you build!

Follow along

If you are more of a visual learner and want to follow along, check out this Jupyter Notebook. Send us an email if you have any questions!

The Try it on Developer Experience

The purpose of this API is to help you bring the full capacity of Try it on’s AI magic into your community. With it, you’ll be able to:


Train custom models given a subject’s likeness


Generate images given the custom models


Use any of the AI edit tools to edit any image


We also let you upload images in case you need to

If you see something you’d like to use but we don’t currently offer, let us know and we’ll add it to our roadmap!